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My family loves to drink almond milk, but it does get expensive versus real cow’s milk if your buying it at the store. I do prefer providing my  family with nutritious wholesome plant based milk. So to provide my family with the best option I set out on a journey. A research journey of facts, is plant based milk vs cow’s milk really that different?  Would making your own almond milk feasible? What would the best way to make almond milk or any other plant-based milk. In my journey I discovered more information about making milk from nuts, the benefits of plant based milk, how do plant based alternatives fare nutritionally compared to cow’s milk, almond milk vs skim milk, cow’s milk vs soy milk nutrition, is almond milk good for you and almond milk vs rice milk.  Yes, there is a lot of information out there, so I’m only going to focus on helpful facts. Perhaps I’ll have to continue this with other articles on these other topics, I’m also going to research what are the best appliances available out there and what is the easiest to use. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to spend all day long in the kitchen when I could be doing something else.

The myth about milk is good for the bones. 

First of all, the myth of milk being good for your bones is not correct, false in fact.  Talk about an eye opener, found research papers on health line and many other sources, for example, that cancers are connected to cow’s milk, ovarian cancer slightly higher on those who drink milk.  Milk does contain calcium 276 through 352 mg of calcium per cup of milk, however the body does not absorb that calcium, it helps deplete calcium from your bones, that’s scary. Don’t believe me do you want due-diligence on the internet. Cows are given growth hormones, milk contains high levels of chemicals that may increase the risk of cancer in people. I also read a study conducted in 2016 that found that teenagers with acne drank higher amounts of milk (low-fat or skim milk).  Adult acne may also be triggered by dairy. This maybe due to carbohydrates and whey protein in milk.  

Eczema in children may be worse by including milk and dairy, according to the clinical reviews.  Great day in the morning, allergies are a whole other symptom from drinking cow’s milk. The list includes Anaphylaxis, Osteoporosis, wheezing, difficult breathing, bloody stool, coughing, acid reflux, runny nose and the list goes on.  Well honestly this is enough to scare the pants off anybody. I guess milk as an option is out the door.

Plant based milk vs cow milk is turning out to be quite an eye opener.  We have many healthy alternatives with plant-based milk that provide many benefits from plant based milks.  You can use soy, you can use almond, rice, you can use coconut. I personally have tasted homemade coconut milk and it is delicious.  Hemp milk which is highly nutritious, Almonds, pecans, pistachios yes there are many healthy alternatives you can make milk with. now the question is what is the most affordable and easiest machine to use.  

How well do plant-based alternatives are nutritionally compared to cow’s milk? 

First of all plant-based milks do not have lactose, which in today’s society most people are lactose intolerant.  In order to process lactose people are forced to take an enzyme that helps them process or digest the lactose in bovine milk.  I’m finding that these various nuts such as almonds contain a lot of micronutrients essential for the growth of cells, proper digestion, proteins, potassium and many many more nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. 

Just take a look at these specific elements naturally occurring in almonds.

Fiber: 3.5 grams

Protein: 6 grams

Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated)

Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI

Manganese: 32% of the RDI

Magnesium: 20% of the RDI

They also contain a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus.

Almond are also loaded with antioxidants, As you can see the almonds are loaded with vitamin E.  These antioxidants tend to build up in cell membranes in your body protecting your cells from oxidative damaged. 

Here’s something I didn’t know about almonds, how much can the assist with blood sugar control. Because the nuts are low in carbs, but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber. I see here that almonds make it a perfect choice for people with diabetes. 

Almonds also contain manganese, beneficial for blood pressure control, the manganese in almonds can definitely help lower blood pressure levels, that’s good news for Americans today. 

Interesting Almonds can lower cholesterol.  with high-levels LDL lipoproteins in your blood, also known as bad cholesterol,  is well known risk factor for heart disease. You’re diet can have a major effect on LDL levels if you consume some almonds daily and why not as milk. 

Due to the rise of plant-based dairy alternatives hemp has become very popular because of the high nutrients in this superfood source. 

Just one cup of unsweetened hemp milk contains approximately the following: 

  • Calories: 83
  • Carbs: 1.3 grams
  • Protein: 4.7 grams
  • Fat: 7.3 grams
  • Calcium: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Iron: 7% of the DV

This information is provided to us by the commercial hemp milk industry, they usually fortify their milk with extra calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B12 and D.  The also add refined sugar, which are usually never used to make homemade milk.  

What I find is that when making homemade milk dates are used as the sweetner.we  Dates are loaded with natural micro nutritional elements too, they are also high in protein, fiber and naturally occurring carbohydrates, good for you and not detrimental to your blood pressure or sugar levels.  

Research shows that when you ingest proteins or even calcium from a plant-based source your body absorbs nearly 100% of that. The secret here is that the plant attaches another element to the mineral,  proteins or calcium that the body recognizes and then is able to assimilate into the body. Synthetic mineral are extremely hard to digest or even assimilate into the body, sometimes creating toxicity levels to rise in the body from none absorbing minerals because they do not contain the plant element or plant factor. 

All plant-based nut milks can be used for cooking.   We have used plant-based milk for many many years, I had no idea as to how much nutrition I was providing to my family because I have been using superfoods for my milk. The benefits of plant based milk and the high nutrients are a fantastic gift for my family, the benefits way outweigh the cost. 

There are just hundreds of recipes and I’m going to share many of them with you on my blog.. 

I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg, the benefits of plant-based milk in this article, now I am going to share with you the one appliance that has saved me time and money over this past year.   You see, I love to make smoothies, juices of all kinds and all sorts of things with my Vitamix blender. You can make plant-based milk with a Vitamix blender however, it takes a lot of work to accomplish this task. Don’t get me wrong I love my Vitamix I use it daily, but it’s not the machine to make milk with.  I have another appliance that I love to use at least 3 times per week, it is called The Almond Cow. I produced a short video on how to make almond milk with The Almond Cow and I will make that video available on this article for you to see how easy this process is. In my video I do peel the almonds just because I prefer to do so, it’s not necessary, In fact you do miss out on some nutrients.  That batch was specially made for some cooking that I was going to do. One of my favorite milks right now is using pistachios with coconut milk, it is delicious. I’ll share many recipes on my blog. So, come back sign up for our newsletter too. 

By the way, do you like to save money of course you do. My audience can save $15 by using the code: MAX

Here is the link to click on and learn more about my favorite appliance in my kitchen. 

Or click on this link: https://glnk.io/j33/digitalmax1

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